Your cytometric experts
Where can you find him?
Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Královopolská 135, Brno, 612 65
Where can you hear him?
At the Masaryk University in Brno (course and practical lab Analytical Cytometry), Motol’s minicourses, CSAC meetings and other seminars
What interests him about cytometry and what can you learn?
Multiparametric flow cytometry and microscopy, analysis of cell populations heterogeneity, combination of phenotyping and functional tests, sorting of viable cell, single cell analysis, barcoding, fresh tissue analysis
What can he do for You?
My laboratory successfully introduced several advanced approaches in flow cytometry and microscopy. We can help you with basic applications and shared our experience with advanced ones. Since we are running core laboratory, we can help you with ordinary issues associated with the operation of the shared laboratory.
Relevant publications
FEDR R, PERNICOVA Z, SLABAKOVA E, STRAKOVA N, BOUCHAL J, GREPL M, KOZUBIK A, SOUCEK K: Automatic cell cloning assay for determining the clonogenic capacity of cancer and cancer stem-like cells. Cytometry A 83 (5): 472-482, 2013.
KAHOUNOVA Z, KURFURSTOVA D, BOUCHAL J, KHARAISHVILI G, NAVRATIL J, REMSIK J, SIMECKOVA S, STUDENT V, KOZUBIK A, SOUCEK K: The fibroblast surface markers FAP, anti-fibroblast, and FSP are expressed by cells of epithelial origin and may be altered during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Cytometry A, 2017.
SIMECKOVA S, FEDR R, REMSIK J, KAHOUNOVA Z, SLABAKOVA E, SOUCEK K: Multiparameter cytometric analysis of complex cellular response. Cytometry A, 2017.
REMSIK J, FEDR R, SOUCEK K: Identification of cytokine secretory site in samples derived from heterogeneous tissue. Biomedical Papers 161 (Supplement 1): S20–S24, 2017.
REMŠÍK J, FEDR R, NAVRATIL J, BINO L, SLABAKOVA E, FABIAN P, SVOBODA M, SOUCEK K: Plasticity and intratumoral heterogeneity of cell surface antigen expression in breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer in press, 2018.
Where can you find him?
At the SCaM core facility (Cytometry and Microscopy Core Facility) of the IMB, AS CR, v.v.i. , Praha 4, Krč, 142 20.
Where can you hear him?
Regularly at Motol Cytometry Minicourses, at the conferences of Czech Society for Analytical Cytometry, at IMB AS CR in Prague, alternately at other workshops
What interests him about cytometry and what can you learn?
Applied research and clinical cytometry and microscopy (immunophenotyping, cytometric analysis of anything from procaryotes, fungi, to eukaryotes, antibody panel construction, experimental designing).
Application of new cytometric methods on site (functional tests - activation, proliferation, apoptosis, genome size analysis, morphology, interactions).
What can he do for You?
Consulting with incorporation and application of new analyses, panel building, designing and analysis of experiments according to Your cytometer specs directly in Your lab, or online, recommendations about kits, antibodies and new equipment and instrumentation both for research and clinics.
Where can you find him?
Cytometry, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Viničná 7, Prague
Where can you hear him?
Regular cytometry seminars at Faculty of Science and at Biocev, Motol Cytometry Minicourses, Educational sections at conferences Analytical Cytometry, occasionally at other cytometry workshops and seminars (IAPG Flow Course, Pardubice Flow Course, Flow Course in Viničná)
What interests him about cytometry and what can you learn?
Cytometry in basic research (immunology, cell biology), variol sample types (bacteria, fungi, protists, plant and animal cells, including birds and veterinary species), multiplex bead assays, multicolor cytometry, experiment design, data analysis.
Quality assessment and quality assurance in cytometry.
What can he do for You?
Help with experiment design, cytometer setup and data analysis.
Where can you find her?
In the CLIP - Cytometry Laboratory at the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 2nd Faculty of Medicine and Motol University Hospital in Prague
Where can you hear her?
Regularly at Motol Cytometry Minicourses, at the conferences of Czech Society for Analytical Cytometry, at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague, alternately at other workshops
What interests her about cytometry and what can you learn?
Clinical cytometry (multiparametric immunophenotyping in immunology and hematology/oncology).
Introduction of new applications in clinical cytometry (in particular functional testing - activation, proliferation, apoptosis, phospho-flow, multiplex bead assay, etc.).
Quality control of cytometric examinations in clinical laboratories according to the ISO 15189:2013 and the Pharmacopoeia.
What can she do for You?
She can help you to introduce new applications (panel building, recommendation about antibodies and kits), to analyze and interpret your data, all in line with clinical cytometry requirements.
What is a cytometric expert?
A person, who spent several years at (someone in) the cytometer and has fair grasp of its construction and applications analyzed therein and was deemed by the CSAC as an expert in the field.
What is not a cytometric expert?
It certainly is not a God, who knows everything about cytometry and descends between „cytometric mortals“ only at rare exceptions once in ten years. Do not be afraid to contact us, ask, consult, that is the reason we are here. No question is dumb, no problem unsolvable.
What do we do?
We strive to cultivate basic knowledge about flow cytometry and its applications, educate and help in any way to the end-users of flow cytometers.
What can we do for You and Your workplace?
We can organize educational and training lectures, meetings and personal consultations in both clinical and scientific cytometry, help with experiment panel design and solve problems (mainly applicational, some experts can manage technical and construction problems).
So do not hesitate to contact us - remember, that most scientific breakthroughs were not accompanied by the exclamation of “Heureka!”, but with a dry statement of: “Hmmm, that's funny...”