Standard fee: 500 CZK / year
Reduced fee 200 CZK*
*please indicate the reason in the registration form (student, maternity leave, start-up worker, pensioner, etc.)
Česká společnost pro analytickou cytometrii, z.s.
Královopolská 135
612 65 Brno, Czech Republic
ID: 26548771
What can CSAC offer to you :
- Organizing conferences every two years (with the participation of selected international speakers from all areas of cytometry)
- Sponsorship of educational events (eg Motol Cytometry Minicourse)
- Patronage of cytometric meetings (ITA seminar in Prague)
- Support your cytometric seminars
- The opportunity to participate in the competition for the best publication with cytometric topic (the aim is to highlight interesting work, provide recognition to quality papers)
- Possibility to apply for travel grants for young members of ČSAC
- Information about the activities of ISAC and ESCCA
- Contact with like-minded colleagues and exchange of experiences
What can you bring to CSAC:
CSAC is a small organization, without apparatus and lives only through activity of its members
- Support the activities of CSAC through your membership
- Provide active cooperation on issues that relate to you
- Organize a seminar on the topic that you miss
- Help with website content (add links to translate into English)