Dear colleagues,

The general aim of Czech Society for Analytical Cytometry (CSAC) are identical with those of International Society for Advancements of Cytometry (ISAC) - professional organization for scientists utilizing multidisciplinary, advanced technology for the measurement of cells and cell processes, currently serves as a platform supporting the broad utilization and dissemination of these methods in large scale.

Therefore, the CSAC works in close co-operation with ISAC which seeks to reflect: specific conditions in Czech republic arising from dissimilarities in their development; current needs resulting from implementation of new devices and research methods in the field of biology and medicine, e.g. flow cytometry and cell sorting, laser scanning microscopy, data analyses and so on.

The main point of this report is to offer information about the activities and perspectives of CSAC. Although CSAC has been established only in 2001, all members of the Society aspire to obtain quality data for both theoretical and practical outputs and to transmit “know-how” in the field of analytical cytology, particularly to experts in Czech Republic. The Society struggles for improving of professional potential in laboratories by means of intensive communication with both theoretically and experimentally oriented specialists. The most important activities of CSAC include the organization of national conferences with international participation of invited experts (Analytical cytometry I- VII, in 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017). We hope to present the potential of the Czech Republic and offer an overview of possibilities resulting from new EU projects.

CSAC is ISAC Associated society.